Digital Transformation
Nihon Technology way is Digital way. Digital is the adoption of digital technology to transform services or businesses, through replacing time consuming or manual processes with ease of use digital technology.
Digital solutions enable – in addition to efficiency via automation – new types of innovation and creativity, rather than simply enhancing and supporting traditional methods. One aspect of digital transformation is the concept of “going paperless” or reaching a “digital business maturity” affecting both individual businesses and whole segments of society, such as government, mass communications, art, health care and science.

Our Offerings
- Paperless Organizational Transformation through Document Management System(DMS) and Business Process Automation.
Security Diagnosis & Testing (SDT)
- Security Consulting, GRC, Vulnerability Assessment, SIEM-SOC: Real Time Monitoring.
- Emerging Technologies.
- Solutions on Blockchain, Analytics, AI, ML, DL and Data Science.
- Customization to address Unique Business needs.
Emerging Technologies
- Focusing on emerging technologies like Blockchain, Analytics, AI, ML, DL, etc., and Improving the capabilities
- Customization to unique business needs
MES(Manufacturing Execution System)
- Design, Development and Maintenance ~ Customer support
- Implemenatation and Support Services as a System Integrator (SI) for MES Package to Pharma Industries.
Web / Mobile Application
- Design and Deploy Smartphone applications.
Requirements Design & Development
Quality Assurance / Testing
Public Sector